How To Clean Your Kettle!

morning coffeeHello Everyone!mami kereken

Today I will share with you a great cleaning tip and the reason for following instructions properly.

For years, I have been sharing my tips with friends and family and this was one of the simplest of them all.

How to clean your kettle the natural way without any harsh chemicals.white vinegar


  • 3 cups of water
  • 1/2 cup of white vinegar

Pour these into your kettle and bring to a boil, leave to cool, dispose and rinse well.

tea kettleSimple, right?  Well not so much 🙂 This time I forgot the most important part!  Disposing and rinsing.  Last night my daughter, Helen and I were binge-watching our favorite series and simply left the water in the kettle.  This morning I wanted to have a quick cappuccino, so I boiled the water. cappuccino

My kettle was happily whistling away, I poured the water on top of my Nescafé Cappuccino.  Seeing a inviting foamy liquid I slurped a mouthful of it, then…. spit it ungracefully into the kitchen sink! A morning cup of coffee never woke me up so fast.

Now I learned, vinegar and cappuccino not a good combination.

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